BASETEL CONCEPT SERVICES LIMITED (RC:695177) is an incorporated Nigeria Company, that specialize in Engineering and professional mobile radio communication equipment with our Partners HYTERA, is dedicated to bringing most valuable and customized solutions to clients across the world. We offer complete and customized communication solutions to government, public security, utility, transportation, enterprise & business for higher organizational efficiency.
Hytera Communications Co. Ltd. (SHE:002583) , a leading designer and manufacturer of professional mobile radio communications equipment, is dedicated to bringing most valuable and customized solutions to clients across the world. Hytera offer complete and customized communication solutions to
government, public security, utility, transportation, enterprise & business for higher organizational efficiency.
Founded in 1993 in Shenzhen, China, Hytera has grown to be a key player in PMR (Professional Mobile Radio) communication industry with a large customer base in more than 80 countries and regions across the world.
Click Here to visit Hytera website for more details.